Training Workshops

Training workshops hosted by industry specialists are open to all delegates, exhibition staff and visitors at no extra cost. Each workshop is held multiple times throughout the event.

1. Welding and fabrication of stainless steels

    • Sponsored by Nickel Institute & International Molybdenum Association (IMOA), hosted by Graham Sussex

This workshop explains the differences between welding carbon stainless steels. It looks at the effects of welding on properties and corrosion resistance. Practical measures in design and execution are explained including weld techniques, filler metals, gases, post-weld inspection and clean-up.

2. Common defects when welding stainless steel and how to avoid them

    • Sponsored by Nickel Institute & International Molybdenum Association (IMOA), hosted by Graham Sussex

    This workshop focuses on austenitics, including the effect and control of heat tint and other defects. Welding of ferritics is also covered and the use of duplex grades.

3. Stainless steel for the non-technical newcomer

    • Sponsored by the Australian Stainless Steel Development Association & Alleima, hosted by Sudhindra Hathwar

    Gain a basic understanding of the development, specification, and use of stainless steel, including grade variations, standards, EN numbers and corrosion resistant pitting resistance equivalent. Also covers surface finishes, electrochemical colouring, maintenance and much more.

Dr. Graham Sussex has been a materials and corrosion consultant since 1986 and since 2001 has been the Technical Specialist for the Australian Stainless Steel Development Association. Since 2014 he has also consulted for the Nickel Institute on material problems and providing seminars.

Mr. Sudhindra Hathwar works as business development manager of Alleima India. He has more than 19 years of experience in stainless steel industry with exposure to oil & gas, refinery, petrochemical, automotive and steel segments.  He published technical papers with publications including NACE, GRPC, MTI etc.